Англійська мова (11-й рік навчання). Рівень стандарту. 11 клас. Нерсисян М. А.

Переглядів: 545

Dear Students!

We are glad to welcome you back at school. We are writing to introduce our new course book for 11th graders. Our aim has been to provide you with a set of materials that will help you to be the best student you can be. In other words, we tried to present topics and materials that will keep the modern teenager like you motivated, intrested and prepared.

Of course, we accept that each of you is unique and a perfect English course is an unattainable dream, however our own experience in the classroom has taught us to value three things above all when working with study materials: reliability, flexibility and credibility. So taking into account the upcoming external independent testing in English, that you will most probably have to take, we did our best to make our materials work for you.